Friday, December 31, 2010

4 Goal planning tips for the New Years.

Look back on 2010. For those who did make resolutions, how well did that go? To be honest, don’t even bother with resolutions. When February rolls around – no matter how strong our determination might have been – a lot of our old habits and routines return and we’re back to step one.

Rather for the upcoming New Year, dish the unplanned goals, and stick to these 4 tips that just might make 2011 a little bit more rewarding:

1. Be true to yourself on what you want. First off, if you do not show much interest or have much desire for achieving your goals, then most likely it’s not something you will accomplish. Your goals should be something you know will benefit you in the long run and is worth your time to strive and get done. Determine the goals you must work on, rather than setting goals you think you should do.

2. Think the big picture. Many people don’t dream big enough. Personally, growing up as a kid, I too, sought for big aspirations and I knew what I wanted. As soon as this picture was embedded into my "life" blueprint, I searched for the pieces to drive me to my destination. Ask yourself this: “If you failure was not an option, what would you want to do?” Go from there.

3. Learn to use a planner and get organized. Time seems to go by fairly fast, while days feel a little longer. Wouldn’t you agree? In the same way, bigger goals can seem more intimidating, but smaller goals can seem pretty easy. In your "life" blueprint, piece together small goals to help reach your final and true aspirations. For instance, say you’re seeking for a new position at work; begin by marking in your planner tasks you need to achieve till then – small goals such as completing your resume, sending your resume out, wait for their reply or follow-up. It’s always easier to follow steps then improvising along the way. Trust me.

4. Seek help when you need it. People tend to get shy and not speak up. There is so much to learn and know in this world, how could you possibly learn it all? Most of us have so many resources at our fingertips that don’t realize it. Many inexpensive books and tools can help you with setting your goals and getting you started – Make Success Measurable! By Douglas K. Smith. Don’t be scared to get your questions answered. Once you know what you want to do and learn how to accomplish it, map it out. Your dreams are only a few small goals ahead.

Happy New Years everyone. Out with the old, in with the new. Have a great one and drink responsibly.

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